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National Food Safety Policy
July 11, 2024
Comprehensive Policy Action Plan for National Food Safety (2024–2028)
The National Policy on Food Safety and Quality, and its Implementation Plan provide a framework for upgrading national capacity to develop and operate an integrated food safety control system for effective collaboration and coordination between agencies responsible for food safety and quality control. This is a summary of action plans for national food safety and the key activities and key performance indicators required.
Segun Olayemi



The National Policy on Food Safety and Quality shall provide the framework for the identification of national food safety objectives, and formulation of suitable laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines aimed at achieving international best practices across all sectors of the food supply chain including food operations in the informal sector, such as smallholder farmers, food vendors, traditional food market operators, slaughter slab operators, butchers, etc. It is also intended to provide a framework for producing quality and nutritious foods and establish an effective surveillance system that detects, traces, prevents, and responds to outbreaks of foodborne illnesses before they spread.

The policy covers all aspects of food safety, from production to consumption, including imported and exported foods. The Policy intends to:

i. Ensure the effectiveness of the independent National Food Safety Management Committee (NFSMC) and a single Food Safety and Quality legislation.

ii. Minimize the incidence of food safety risks associated with Human, Animal, Plant, and Environmental sources.

iii. Enhance institutional and human capacity for food safety and quality.

iv. Establish effective nationwide information and communication systems for food safety and quality.

v. Promote International trade in Food and Feed.

vi. Ensure allocation, timely release, and utilization of adequate resources for food safety and quality programs.

Comprehensive Policy Action Plan for National Food Safety (2024–2028)

Goal 1: Strengthen the National Food Safety and Quality System & Structure

Objective 1.1: Establish the National Food Safety Council and Strengthen the National Food Safety Management Committee

Strategic Approach 1: Establish the National Food Safety Council

Key Activities:

Pass the National Food Safety and Quality (NFS&Q) Bill.

Provide a legislative framework to correct existing overlaps and multiple jurisdictions of regulatory agencies.

Key Performance Indicators:

Bill assented to by the President.

Gazette and awareness initiatives completed.

Constitution of the National Food Safety Council.

Strategic Approach 2: Adopt a National Integrated Food Safety Control System

Key Activities:

Ensure States and LGAs adopt and implement the National FS&Q Policy.

Develop/Upgrade existing laws, regulations, codes of practices, and guidelines to enhance implementation and enforcement of the NFS&Q Act.

Establish Food Safety Management Committees in all 36 States and the FCT.

Key Performance Indicators:

Several States and LGAs are adopting the National FS&Q Policy.

The number of laws developed/upgraded.

Percentage compliance with the laws.

The number of state and LGA management committees established.

Strategic Approach 3: Re-introduce Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) in Each LGA

Key Activities:

Re-introduce EHOs cadre with responsibility for inspection and monitoring of hygienic and sanitary conditions of food establishments and markets.

Develop/Strengthen the Extension Workers System to provide stakeholders with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).

Key Performance Indicators:

Number of EHOs introduced.

Level of compliance with hygiene and sanitary conditions.

The number of extension workers strengthened to ensure GAP.

Objective 1.2: Develop/Update Laws, Standards, Regulations, and Codes of Practice Associated with Food Safety and Quality

Strategic Approach 1: Update Extant Laws, Regulations, and Standards

Key Activities:

Assess existing food legislation at the state and local government levels.

Identify weaknesses and gaps in current legislation.

Key Performance Indicators:

The number of State and LGA legislations assessed.

The number of weaknesses and gaps identified.

Strategic Approach 2: Establish Functional Food Safety Desks and Committees

Key Activities:

Establish functional Food Safety desks at relevant MDAs in all states and the FCT.

Establish functional Food Safety Committees in all States and FCT.

Key Performance Indicators:

The number of established functional Food Safety desks.

Number of functional Food Safety Committees.

Goal 2: Ensure Food Safety Along the Food Chain

Objective 2.1: Enhance Risk-Based Food Safety Control

Strategic Approach: Strengthen Risk Assessment, Management, and Communication

Key Activities:

Conduct regular risk assessments for food safety.

Develop and implement risk management strategies.

Enhance risk communication among stakeholders.

Key Performance Indicators:

Number of risk assessments conducted.

The number of risk management strategies implemented.

Effectiveness of risk communication efforts.

Objective 2.2: Improve Food Safety Infrastructure

Strategic Approach: Upgrade Laboratory and Inspection Facilities

Key Activities:

Upgrade existing food safety laboratories.

Improve inspection facilities and equipment.

Key Performance Indicators:

The number of laboratories upgraded.

Improvement in inspection facilities and equipment.

Goal 3: Promote Safe and Nutritious Food Consumption

Objective 3.1: Increase Public Awareness on Food Safety

Strategic Approach: Conduct Public Awareness Campaigns

Key Activities:

Develop food safety campaign materials in local languages.

Conduct nationwide public awareness campaigns on food safety.

Key Performance Indicators:

The number of campaign materials developed.

Reach and impact of public awareness campaigns.

Objective 3.2: Promote Healthy Eating Habits

Strategic Approach: Encourage Consumption of Nutritious Foods

Key Activities:

Prioritize healthy and nutritious food options.

Educate the public on the benefits of nutritious foods.

Key Performance Indicators:

Increase in consumption of nutritious foods.

Public knowledge and attitudes towards healthy eating.

Goal 4: Foster International Trade in Food and Feed

Objective 4.1: Enhance Compliance with International Standards

Strategic Approach: Build Capacity for International Trade Requirements

Key Activities:

Train stakeholders on international food safety standards.

Develop mechanisms to ensure compliance with international trade requirements.

Key Performance Indicators:

The number of stakeholders trained.

Level of compliance with international standards.

Responsible Organizations: NFSMC

Timeline: 2024–2028

Objective 4.2: Promote Participation in Global Food Trade

Strategic Approach: Encourage Export of Safe and Quality Food Products

Key Activities:

Facilitate participation in international food trade fairs and exhibitions.

Provide support for food businesses to meet export requirements.

Key Performance Indicators:

Participation in international trade events.

Increase in food exports meeting international standards.

Goal 5: Ensure Sustainable Funding for Food Safety Programs

Objective 5.1: Establish Adequate Budgetary Allocations

Strategic Approach: Secure Funding from Various Sources

Key Activities:

Advocate for budgetary allocations from Federal, State, and Local Governments.

Explore cost recovery mechanisms, public-private partnerships, and donor support.

Key Performance Indicators:

Adequate budget allocations secured.

Successful implementation of cost recovery and funding mechanisms.

Objective 5.2: Enhance Resource Allocation for Inspection and Monitoring

Strategic Approach: Provide Necessary Resources for Effective Implementation

Key Activities:

Ensure the availability of manpower, infrastructure, and financial resources for food safety programs.

Regularly review and adjust resource allocation based on program needs.

Key Performance Indicators:

Adequacy of resources allocated.

Effectiveness of inspection and monitoring activities.

This action plan outlines the strategic approaches and key activities necessary to achieve the goals of the National Policy on Food Safety and Quality. The responsible organizations and timelines ensure accountability and timely implementation of the policy initiatives.


By adopting these strategies and fostering collaboration between all stakeholders, Nigeria can accelerate the implementation of its food safety policy. This will ensure safer food for consumers, increased access to international markets, and a stronger foundation for the nation’s food security.